Hi, assalamualaikum gais.
So, dalam previous post aku ada cakap pasal 30 days challenge without social media kan?
Ya benar. That 30 days actually turned out to be 3 months. 90 days.
What I can say is that, I actually have more time than I was
before. Masa yang aku bajet-bajet macam takda sebelum aku get rid of social
media tu, ada balik lepas aku detox. Lol. Bukanlah niat nak detox tak nak get
on social media dah, actually detox sebab masa tu life aku agak miserable.
Dengan kerja lab yang tak dapat dapat result, kena sabotaj,
lepastu anxiety, I cannot sleep for months. Ended up tidur pukul 4 5 pagi. Lepastu
bangun pagi pukul 8 nak kena terus ke lab, etc. seriously it was really really
tough for me. Lepastu bila fikir my labmates lain dah start dapat kerja and I don’t
even start to apply yet, seriously sedih gila. Depressed and anxious. I
struggled a lot for the past few months. A lot. That’s why I just wanted to get
myself on track back, stop scrolling social media and what not. Urgh taknak
ingat. Siap menangis-nangis kat bus stand sorang-sorang lah, kat taman lah
punya sedih kerja got soooo miserable.
Orang macam tengok,
"wow syoklah duduk oversea"
padahal the struggle tu orang tak nampak, sebab kita tak
tunjuk. Logiknya macam tu lah kan.
We portray what we want the world to see.
So bila dah takda social media, seriously aku jadi
produktif, lebih focus nak tulis thesis, lebih focus nak study and troubleshoot
my lab works. Dan yang paling penting, aku dapat cari balik my own motivation,
walaupun somehow aku masih lagi struggle to that, tapi, I’m working on it. Kadang
tu naik basikal balik ke kampus dalam 10 km sambil lalu kat taman tengok view
sumpah lawa gila, punya stress tetiba sambil jalan boleh menangis, lol, kelakar
gila. Maybe aku perlu buat satu entry pasal the struggle I faced so that bila
aku tetiba lost motivation again in future, aku boleh baca balik that I actually
survived once before. Lol.
Lepastu, kalau ada masa like lunch hour tu aku akan bukak
youtube, tengok videos yang informative. Aku suka tengok Science Insider ke, Business
Insider ke, TedEd. Contohnya macam cari video, ‘How ice cream been made?’ ‘How
they made toothbrush?’. Nampak macam kelakar kan? Lol. Tapi seriously
benda-benda ni kita tak terpikir tau cemana orang buat, kita tau guna je. Then,
kalau TedEd - videos dia semua fun gila, sangat interactive. Takkan bosan pun
Lepastu aku suka cari videos pasal survival wild camping,
solo backpackers etc. sebab these people actually facing something during their
journey and what makes them keep going is determination and persistent. So that’s
how aku dapatkan balik motivation, to at least keep me going, picking myself up. Seriously
rasa bijak dan ada sikit semangat lepas buat macam tu lol.
Anyway, that detoxification I did was a successful journey
to me, I’m acknowledging myself, lol. 30 days that I promised to myself turned
into 3 months. I am all good, and sekarang aku back on social media, but still I
limit myself. Alhamdulillah, kinda get myself on track back.
Gambar ni masa aku pegi hiking bukit dekat dengan campus dengan lab mate, a long the way tu nampak tempat cantik camni, apa lagi, berhenti lah. Lol.
Okay, gtg. Till then, xo.
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