Project for One Direction

Assalamualaikum .

Hi peeps !

hari tu aku ada join satu project . nama dia ' Project for 1D ' by Tatiana . she's French . she make a video with our pictures in it for the song Moments by One Direction . so , this is it .
segan tak ? segan jugaklah masuk youtube . haha .
you can find me in minutes 3:39 till 3:40 .
found it ? yeah , great ! and can you find any different between all the picture ? no ? oh , come on guys . be analytical . 

okay , the different is , i'm the ONE and ONLY who wearing da hijab in this video :) kan ? well , i'm proud to be Muslim ! Zayn Malik also proud to be Muslim . seriously , believe me my dear .

i thought my friend , Bella would be there too , coz i'm joining this project with her . in addition , she's the one who suggested me to join this . but , there is no Bella here :'( Bell said , maybe its because her picture is dark . hm , okay , its fine .

btw , massive thank you to Tatiana *her twitter -!/CallMe_Tatiana * for this video . like it ^^ 
Have a nice day :)


  1. Haahahaha, kawan2 jangan percaye cakap tiq!! aku cakap...muka aku bercahaya sangat..tu sebab budak perancis tu terlepas pandang aku :P

    1. ==' . ko guna bahasa berlapik apa ni loceng ?

  2. qwertyuiop
    saje test ni bello

  3. puiii hahahahahha untung leww tym ni aq kenai agy 1D hahaha

    1. ahahaha . takde lah untung ponggg . dulu je fanatic , sekarang takde dah pongg . terukkan aku ni ? haha :D


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